Setting ourselves challenging targets to create a more sustainable business that changes the world for the better

As a division of one of the world's largest and most renowned electrical manufacturers, we have been at the forefront of innovation since we were founded over 100 years ago. From the manufacture of starter motors in the 1940s to alternators in the '60s and the launch of the world's first GPS navigation system in the '90s, the history of Mitsubishi Electric's Automotive division is inextricably linked with the growth of an industry that has led to motor vehicles becoming the world's most popular form of transportation.

Today, we recognise our responsibility as a major corporation to continue researching and developing innovative technologies to drive the automotive industry forward while addressing the immediate and undeniable necessity to reduce global carbon emissions. Since 2021, we have set ourselves challenging targets on our path to emissions reduction, which will be achieved by minimising our carbon footprint.

Environmental Sustainability Vision 2050

"To protect the air, land and water with our hearts and technologies to sustain a better future for all."

This statement of intent is an unequivocal declaration of our vision for the future of the business, which will be achieved through the implementation of three key commitments:

To apply diverse technologies in all areas of the business with the objective of solving environmental issues through the promotion of energy-saving products and renewable energy.

  • The development of new, smaller products and the greater use of recycled materials will lead to a reduction in waste.
  • To discover and develop business innovations for the wellbeing of future generations through increased collaboration with other businesses and institutions, sharing knowledge and technologies to accelerate discovery and fast-track route to market.
  • To publicise and share new values and lifestyles by gaining a thorough understanding of customers' and other stakeholders' sustainability challenges and engaging in initiatives that encourage comfortable living that's in harmony with nature.

The Environmental Sustainability Vision 2050 midterm plan is reviewed and refined, but the vision will remain unchanged until 2050. It can be read in full here.

United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals

We are committed to the UN's SDG with many cross-business initiatives aimed at providing practical solutions that achieve long-term social and economic benefits through inclusivity and sustainability. These include programmes targeting poverty reduction with increased employment opportunities and technological support for the essential agriculture and healthcare industries that feed and look after an ever-growing global population.

In the automotive industry, our safety systems can be found in a significant proportion of the world's cars, helping to ensure transportation is safer for all road users. Above the skies, earth observation satellites our space division manufactured provide the data to help climate scientists monitor environmental conditions on Earth.

Our commitment to implementing initiatives that meet the objectives of the SDGs is wide-ranging and includes setting goals for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, along with actively promoting quality education, gender equality and empowerment opportunities for women. We are championing clean water and sanitation and advocating affordable and clean energy through sustainable production and consumption, with a stated aim to pursue environmentally conscious practices in all areas of the business.

Partnering for progress

Acknowledging the complexity of global challenges, we actively partner with governments, NGOs, universities and research institutes through our open innovation programmes as we understand that a collective commitment is required to realise a sustainable, inclusive future.

To find out more about our sustainability activities, click here.